
Sports journalism from an alternative angle.

Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Hamilton Academic

Is 3 really the magic number? Dan Brown’s thrillers, for all their blurring of the lines between myth, legend and fantasy, recognise the numbers 2 and 5 as the most potent of numerals, the number 2 for the male/female opposite and the duality in nature, and 5 for the symbolic pentagram. Its bestseller rival Harry Potter has a lot of 7 references – sum total of 2 and 5, lucky number 7, rather mystical in its context. I personally have a thing for the number 4. I like it for its musical aesthetic. No, seriously.

In sport, 3 is the king – a hat-trick is the ultimate achievement. Or, for British Sport in October, it was the ultimate disappointment. Left teetering on the brink of failing to qualify for Euro 2008, let down at the final push for surprise World Cup glory, and poor Lewis Hamilton denied rookie glory and the prospect of becoming the best racing driver the world has ever seen for, aw, like, ever.

The third and final sporting failure deserves a big round of applause, with tea and medals all round. I’m still coming to terms with the idea of someone the same age as myself being able to outmanoeuvre world champion drivers at incredible speeds on tracks he’s had little to no experience on – he’s got talent and skill way beyond his years.

Now he’s moving to Switzerland. Boos and jeers all round! We hate you Lewis, don’t expect any more support from Blighty!

The knuckle-draggers who protested at his leaving the country are the people Lewis wants to get away from. Journos noted it was ironic he decided to announce his departure the same day Stevenage announced they’re naming a street after him. Let’s face it, that ‘irony’ is in fact perfect justification for Lewis leaving the country. Everyone now wants a piece of the Hamilton bandwagon.

So why Switzerland? Well he’ll be left alone alright, he said himself people just don’t bother you there. But the tax breaks will also stack up highly in his favour. Second round of boos and jeers! Money-grabbing fool.

Well clearly the tax breaks will work in his favour, and he’s already a very wealthy young man, but will that change his outlook on racing? He’s a level-headed and extremely mature person, certainly not the Hooray-Henry champagne swiller Charlie James once was in the 60s. He will get back in his McClaren (with any luck minus the distraction of Senor Alonso) and will be desperate to claim the crown he knows should’ve been his.

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